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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Editor Swap

Former Editor-in-Chief: Justin Bolger Incoming Editor-in-Chief: Jill Mahler
Catch You Later, Team!
It’s been swell, ladies and gentlemen, but it’s curtains for me!  My time serving the campus as the editor-in-chief of The Commuter has been a fantastic experience, but as with all things, it must come to an end.
Have no fear! I’m leaving you in the hands of someone who is more than capable of maintaining and furthering the excellence of your friendly neighborhood newspaper. Honestly, Jill Mahler already has more experience leading a news team than I do, so I’m excited to see what new wonders she’ll bring about.
Yes, I’ll still be around to see how it goes. Until Winter term of next year, I will be going through extensive training under the tutelage of Webmaster Marci Sischo, acquiring the secrets behind the most elusive of all journalism skill-sets.
I’m going virtual, baby!
Though I need to stay down to earth just a bit longer.
I feel like I could monologue forever about the people I’ve learned from, grown with and struggled alongside of – those I would thank. For brevity’s sake, I’ll leave it at this:
Thank you, team. I am sincerely thankful for everything we’ve done together, and I wish you the best in all things. You’re awesome – never forget!
More specifically, I’m going to give a shout-out to Ryan Henson, editor-in-chief during the beginning of the 2009-10 school year. He invited me to write for The Commuter and is the reason I was able to pursue college in the first place.
That said, I’ll catch you next year, LBCC!
Embarking on a New Journey
After one year quickly passing by, I find myself embarking on a new adventure as the next editor-in-chief to lead The Commuter.  Not only is my new position a great honor, but a great responsibility.
I am excited to be working alongside several talented and hardworking individuals, who have dedicated themselves every week to produce a quality product. In order to follow in this excellence, I have huge shoes to fill.
Justin Bolger has led our staff incredibly over the last year and thankfully will continue to be a part of our paper for another year. His dedication is evident in the countless hours spent to ensure each page of The Commuter was above par.
The staff of The Commuter works well together and produces a solid and integral publication for the community because they have a strong leader.
Among many other goals, my first priority to the readers of The Commuter is to advance the range of news we cover and produce an excellent paper. I believe that students deserve stories that are entertaining, informative, and that cover areas of interest in addition to campus events.
With the assistance of returning staff and a number of new members arriving, I have no doubt we will be able to increase readership and deliver worthy news.
The news isn’t much good, if it is not integrated with its readers, so I encourage anyone who has feedback, a story they’d like us to investigate, or wants to be involved, to contact me at The Commuter.

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