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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

BJ's Restaurant and Brewery, dishes that'll win over any heart or taste bud

Looking for a restaurant to add to your list of favorites? Look no farther, BJ’s Restaurant and Brew house is where casual and contemporary atmosphere meet delicious finger-licking cuisine.

Located on Coburg Rad in Eugene, BJ’s offers a wide variety of entrees from old-ime favorites to new dishes.

What makes BJ’s a fun and happening place to dine at is the modern environment, comfy booths, wide-screen TVs and variety in dishes. There is 100 different items on BJ’s menu to experience as well as their own line of microbrewed beers from local regional breweries. According to a reviewer from Orchard, Washington reported on that although the tap waver on the ordinary side, the seasonal beers tend to be better.

BJ’s can easily be a place to grab a bite after work or a fun place to have a birthday party. The restaurant is always fully staffed, therefore avoiding the extensive wait one might do for a simple water refill.

The range of dishes can please even the pickiest of connoisseurs. The menu is made up of the average list of American cuisine; ranging from steaks to pizza. However, what sets the menu apart from other restaurants is the small twists that transform a simple idea like their deep dish pizza into a heavenly swirl of tantalizing sauce, juicy slices of meat and cheese that compliments each bite.

A look at BJ’s history will tell you that it all began in 1978 with two guys from California, armed with a great pizza recipe who decided to open up a restaurant. There the great food would ignite and cause new restaurants to appear along the Californian coastline. BJ’s would later expand into a brewery. According to Curtis Boggs, the general manager at the Eugene BJ’s restaurant, there is currently 105 restaurants.

Their handmade pizza with BJ’s signature blend of five cheeses is definitely a must, not to mention hard to share. (Advice to the wise, get your own pizza.) There is the option of making your own deep dish pizza, which can become pricey since each additive beyond the beginning layer of cheeses and seasoned tomatoes is extra or there are the large pizzas to choose from.

BJ’s competes with other restaurants not just in taste, but in uniqueness.

Take the Chardonnay Shrimp Pasta, that consists of shrimp sautéed with an extensive list of ingredients including garlic, basil and sun dried tomatoes over rotelle noodles in a creamy Chardonnay sauce, topped with apple wood bacon, parmesan and parsley. (Or in other words yummy.)

And finally, no meal is complete without dessert. To leave the taste buds satisfied, there is BJ’s famous Pizookie. The Pizookie is combination of a cookie fresh out of the oven, topped with cold vanilla bean ice cream. The Pizookie is a simple enough idea, but what it lacks in ingenuity it makes up for in taste. Not to mention the Pizookie is available in a variety of flavors from cookies and cream to white chocolate macadamia nut and can be combined for those who can not make up their minds. If fresh cookies isn't what is desired, there is also handcrafted root beer floats, baked beignet and another popular favorite, the apple berry burst crumble.

BJ’s stays progressive with its service options consisting of curbside take-out, online ordering and large party menus. Overall a great restaurant to add to share, laugh and love with friends.

                                       At A Glance

BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse
Grade: B+
Cuisine and Scene: A delicious assortment of dishes ranging from pizza and hamburgers to salmon and steaks.
Serving: 11a.m.-10p.m. Sunday-Thursday
             11a.m.-11p.m. Friday & Saturday
Price Range: Moderate; entrees $9-$18
Must-Have Dishes: Deep dish pizza, Thai salmon, Pizzokie, apple berry burst crumble, buffalo wings, baby back pork ribs.
Sound Level: Comfortable, quiet enough to have a conversation
Service: Welcoming and proficient
Location: 1600 Coburg Road, Eugene, OR 97401
Telephone: 541-342-6114

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

From Point A to Point B, How Shuttles Have Proven Efficient

Monday morning, the Linn Shuttle is cramped with people as the Linn Shuttle nears its next stop and another trimester at LBCC begins. Condensation lingers on the windows as the mixture of smells circulates the shuttle. More people climb into the crowded bus, finding handles to hold and empty seats to fill. Although a bit stuffy and lacking in space, shuttles have become increasingly popular as a mode of transportation for students and commuters.

One of the many riders relying on the shuttle system is Carrie Wilson, in her fourth term as a Medical Assistant. She says she rides for the obvious reasons, “To save gas, it’s convenient and free to students.”

There are many options for students to find alternative transportation to and from college. Shuttles and buses offering routes to LBCC and OSU include the Linn Shuttle, Linn-Benton Loop Bus and Albany Transit. Thanks to LBCC and OSU, students can take advantage of riding the Linn Shuttle, Linn-Benton Loop Bus and the Albany Transit for free with a student ID card. The cards only cost $10 and with these cards students have made their money back just after a ride or two. This pass program is made possible for students from funding between partners from local government agencies including Linn and Benton Counties, LBCC, OSU, Hewlett-Packard as well as state and federal funds.

However, the shuttles and buses are not the only modes of transportation available to students. There is also the option of carpooling.
Available on LBCC’s website, under “Student Life and Leadership,” students can find links to the Albany Transit System, Linn-Benton Loop Bus and Linn Shuttle, as well as information on the “Cascades West Rideshare/Valley Vanpool.” There is also the feature called “AlterNetRides.” An option called "AlterNetRides" allows students to utilize a secure system that connects drivers and riders. Carpooling is made easier with this system and there is no charge to the user to utilize. Students can designate preferences like “no smoking” or “no radio” to further advance their search. “AlterNetRides” was a feature originally presented to students at OSU. Then found its way to our LBCC Vice President Bruce Clemetsen, who directed Joe Sherlock, manager, publications of LBCC to add to LBCC’s Transportation options. “AlterNetRides” can be found by typing in the following address:

According to Barry Hoffman, Albany transit program supervisor, in the last three years there has been a substantial spike in ridership. The Linn Benton Loop, which has 11 runs from Albany to Corvallis, among other routes, provides transportation to Albany Linn Benton Community College and Oregon State University for students. The Linn Benton Loop provides a service to 105,843 commuters. Ridership has increased by 16,671 riders from 2007 to 2009. Of those riders, 46,738 commuters ride on LBCC passes and 28,040 commuters ride on OSU passes.

The Albany Transit buses are no different; ridership has gained 27,525 riders since 2007. Part of the reason for this increase in ridership is “More people are choosing to use the service due to personal economic situations.” He says some causes for this increase circle around the decline of the economy and the rise in college enrollment and gas prices.

The increase in commuters has had profound effects on the order of the shuttles and the number of routes. An example of this is the Albany Transit System that added an additional bus to the morning and afternoon commute from Albany LBCC to downtown Corvallis to handle the increase in demand.

The increase in student enrollment and demand has posed a dilemma for shuttle and bus managers with routes being far from perfect. Ken Bronson, manager of the Sweet Home Senior Center, which operates the Linn Shuttle, met this dilemma after taking over his position in April 2010. He said he rode the shuttle and talked with other riders about what they would like to see improve. Not only did he add a route in the morning and in the afternoon, he delved deeper into how else the shuttle could improve. When ridership decreased in the summer, he says he used the time to analyze with Sweet Home and Lebanon Partners as well as LBCC to find when the highest use was and “We revamped the routes and reshuffled everything to fit best for the fall term.”

Bruce Clemetsen agrees with the adjustments made to better facilitate students and commuters. “Shuttles have become an integral part in students being able to achieve education and have taken pressure off parking resources.” However, there seems to not be enough shuttles and buses. “We continue to look for ways to expand transportation from federal and state grants”

As gas climbs and more structures being built like the Samaritan Health Sciences Center in Lebanon, the need will only increase. However, with the overwhelming cost to own, operate and maintain shuttles and buses, there are no immediate additions to expect for the time being.


Student ID Passes
Where They Can Be Obtained: Registration Office in Takena Hall.

Cost: One time fee of $10.

Transportation Options: Students can ride for free the Linn Shuttle, Linn-Benton Loop Bus and the Albany Transit System with a Student ID card.

Servicing Areas: Sweet Home, Lebanon, Albany and Corvallis.

For more information, these shuttles can be reached at: 
Linn Shuttle........................541-367-4775
Albany Transit System......541-917-7667

Carpooling Options: